Knowledge Base

    A KB article explaining Own Accounts after the change to single unified login and how to add regions within the same account....
    Within a service, a Business Unit is defined as an independent group of Services and Users. Each user has its own role within each Business Unit....
    This article describes why API Tokens are the chosen solution for Own API access, and how to generate an API Token....
    What IP addresses need to be added to the list of acceptable IP Ranges in Salesforce, MS Dynamics and ServiceNow?...
    User License (API Only) as Authenticated User...
    How to create a multiple region account, and invite new users......
    We require a Base64 formatted string of a 256-bit secret, that is encrypted with our certificate, and a Base64 formatted string of the SHA-256 digest of the same 256-bit secret....
    Follow these steps to set up IP Address restrictions in the web application:...
    Do we provide a 2-factor authentication scheme?...
    User requirements, password requirements, user creation, roles and allocation to business units....

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