Getting Started with Recover for Salesforce

    As you get started with Recover for Salesforce, we’ve compiled this list of articles, walkthroughs, and videos that are most impactful and important for new users going through the sign-up and onboarding process:

    1. Getting Ready for Recover OnboardingThis article explains a few preliminary steps that need to be executed before the Recover onboarding session.
    2. Sign Up: Instructions on how to sign up to an account. The timezone in the sign-up screen determines the timezone for your scheduled backups in the application.
    3. Adding Salesforce Services: A video walkthrough of setting up Salesforce backups for Data and Metadata services. For step-by-step instructions, click here. Please note setting up Data and Metadata services is the same process.
    4. Account and User Settings: A video walkthrough of the account and user settings in the Recover app. For more information on each setting,click the relevant tab: Users, Business Units, IP Restrictions, Security, Key Management, Endpoints, Auditing, Overview.
    5. Services Menu Options: On the Dashboard screen you can see summary information relating to the service. Other options include: Backup History, Export The Backup, Smart Alerts, My Notifications, GDPR Subject Requests, Permissions Report, Scheduled Exports, Re-authenticate Service, Back Up Now.
    6. Essential Service Options: A video walkthrough of the Options menu. In the Options menu, you can make specific configurations to optimize the backup and tailor it to your business. For more information on Analyze Profile Permissions, click here.
    7. Edit ProfileYou can edit your time zone, change your password and set two-factor authentication.
    8. Help and Support: From the Help & Support drop-down in the services screen, you can select to be transferred to the customer portal, create a support ticket and request a callback from our support team, and click System Status to select to receive updates on our servers for outages. We recommend signing up for this feature, as you will be notified if there are any issues with the server you have signed up with. When setting up this feature, please only select the server that you are using.
    9. User Guide: The online guide covers how to do everything in the application, and the key activities required to set up and begin successfully using Recover.

    Additional Key Information

    1. User RolesAn overview of user roles, what each role can do, and role-based access control. There is also a deep dive into role-based access control, as well as a comprehensive FAQ. 
    2. IP Address RestrictionsStep-by-step instructions for setting up IP Address restrictions in the web application.
    3. IP Address WhitelistAn overview of the IP addresses that must be added to the list of acceptable IP Ranges in Salesforce. 
    4. Managing API LimitsThis article dives into how to set limits for API consumption, what setting API limits does, and how to utilize this feature. 
    5. Updating FLS via WorkBenchA video walkthrough of updating missing FLS via assigning a permission set and deploying it in Workbench. 
    6. How to enable Single Sign-OnThis article explains how to set up Single Sign On (SSO) - how to set up at the IdP, how to set up in the Recover UI, and a video walk through of the process. 
    7. Common WarningsThis article contains a comprehensive list of common warnings and errors you might encounter, the reasons behind the errors, and solutions to resolve the errors. 
    8. Using Our API: How to utilize API access we provide to manipulate and export some of your jobs and data in the platform.
    9. FAQsThis article contains a list of the most frequently asked questions.

    Recover for FedRAMP

    The following features and applications are limited due to FedRAMP regulations:

    • ​​Sign Up:​​ Contact Own Support for sign up assistance.
    • ​​Authentication Method:​​ Single Sign On (SSO) is the only authentication method available for login.
    • ​​Sync to Own Salesforce:​​ A dedicated Salesforce instance is required.

    The following features and applications are unavailable due to FedRAMP regulations:

    • ​Link to Customer Portal​
    • ​All Platform Services (User, Token, Email, etc)​
    • ​BYOS / BYOK / BYO-KMS
    • ​​ICE/Blockchain Verify​​
    • ​​Export​​
    • ​​Archive Console​​
    • ​​Discover​​
    • ​​High Frequency Backup​
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