Comparing Backups

    The Compare function lets you compare an entire org/instance, or specific objects/tables (e.g. Accounts, Cases, etc.) against all its related objects/tables across two backups. It is a powerful way to identify record changes, including additions, modifications, and deletions.

    There are four methods for initiating a Compare job:

    1. From the Compare tab. This method is described in detail in the section below.
    2. From the Backup History screen - using the Compare button. This method is for initiating a Compare job with the same Service on all objects/tables.
    3. From the Backup History screen - using the Object Changed icon in a specific object listing. This method is for quickly initiating a Compare job for a specific object/table.

    1. From the main Services screen (either in Cards view or List view) - using a specific service's Jobs menu. This method is for initiating a Compare job with the same Service, directly from the Services screen.

    To Compare Two Data/Metadata Backups

    1. Navigate to the Compare tab.
    2. The Compare screen appears. From the Service dropdown list, select the service you wish to compare. You can compare either with the same service, or compare with a different service. You can compare either data services or compare metadata services. Scroll down the dropdown list of services, or type in the first few letters in the Search for service field. 

    1. Select the objects/tables you wish to include in the comparison. You can choose either All Objects/All Tables, or choose specific objects/tables to include in the comparison (choosing All Objects/All Tables may significantly slow down the Compare job). For metadata Compare jobs, all objects/tables will be compared by default.

    1. Select the two specific Backups that you wish to compare.
    NOTE: The Compare job compares the objects in the two specific backups that were selected. It does not compare all the backups during the entire range of dates.

    1. Click Compare. The job begins. The Compare Job tab appears, where the progress bar is displayed until the Compare job has been completed.
    2. When the Compare job has been completed, the Compare Report screen is displayed.

    1. By clicking on the object/table name, you can view the full drill down. Note that the drill-down isn't available for objects/tables with more than four million records. If the Compare job exceeds this limit, a message is displayed:

    Restoring from the Compare Results

    1. When the Compare job is completed, you can click on the object/table name to enter the Compare View screen, or you can click on the Download icon  to download a CSV file listing the deletions, additions or changes to the object. 
    • If you choose to download, a window listing all the files is displayed. Choose which file you want to download.  A CSV file downloads, which logs the records in the object/table that have been removed, added, or changed.

    • If you choose to perform a Restore job directly from the Compare job results table.
      Clicking the
      Restore icon next to the number of records, initiates a Data Restore to repair data loss, or repair data corruption for that object/table.

    • If you choose to perform a Precision Repair procedure, select the object/table to repair in the Compare View screen. See Precision Repair Compare View for Salesforce, for Microsoft Dynamics 365, or for ServiceNow



    Read more about Data Restore:


    Microsoft Dynamics 365



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